What is a Urodynamic Study? And why is it used?
A Urodynamic Study is an important series of tests that we use to provide detailed information about your bladder and its current function. The Study is used to pinpoint the cause of your bladder concerns such as bladder leakage (incontinence), frequent urination, persistent UTIs, and other bladder issues in the lower urinary tract.
Lower Urinary Tract Anatomy
The urinary tract helps the body get rid of liquid waste (urine). The bladder collects and stores urine. The urethra carries urine from the bladder out of the body. The ring of muscles where the bladder and urethra meet is called the sphincter. During urination, signals from the brain tell the sphincter to relax and the bladder to contract. This pushes urine down the urethra and out of the body.
The Lower Urinary Tract
About the Urodynamic Study
Preparing for your Urodynamic Study
Please make sure we know what medications you're taking. Include herbal remedies and over-the-counter medications as well.
Keep a voiding diary as instructed.
Ask whether you'll need to arrive with a full bladder.
During the Study
You may be asked to urinate. This is a way for us to get accurate study results. Please try to relax.
Depending on the test that is needed to make an accurate diagnosis, a catheter may be placed in your urethra. We sometimes use a special sensor that may be placed in your urethra or rectum.
Common Urodynamic Tests
This test measures the amount and speed of urine as it is voided from the bladder. Urine flow is measured over time. The amount of urine left in the bladder may also be measured.
This test measures how much the bladder can hold by testing the strength of the bladder muscle. It also evaluates the signals your bladder sends when full. During this test the bladder is filled with sterile water or a saline solution. You may be asked to cough, stand, walk, or bear down during this test.
This test check the muscle contractions that control urination. Electrode patches or wires may be placed near the rectum or urethra.
Pressure flow study
This test measure the presure and flow of urine out of the bladder and is often performed after cystometry.
Video cystourethrography
This test is used to help find blockages and other problems. The bladder is filled with an e-ray contrast fluid and x-ray video images are then taken as you urinate.